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Still Searching…
The conditions governing the digital world have led to a radical diversification not only in photography but also in the theory that underpins it and the history that is written about it.
Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot
The Correspondence of William Henry Fox Talbot Project has prepared a comprehensive edition of the nearly 10,000 letters to and from Talbot (1800-1877), the Wiltshire polymath best known for his invention of photography.
William Henry Fox Talbot Catalogue Raisonné
Over a span of four decades, Professor Larry Schaaf has examined more than 25,000 original Talbot negatives and prints in collections worldwide.
Camera Work
Alfred Stieglitz’s Camera Work: A Photographic Quarterly (1913-17) is fully available online here, through the efforts of a team at the Institute of Art History of the University of Zurich. They are now refining the digital facsimile and open access-version of Camera Work, hosted at the Heidelberg University Library.
Jacques-Henri Lartigue albums
126 photographic albums represent the most impressive part of the archives that Jacques-Henri Lartigue (1894-1986) bequeathed to the State between 1979 and 1986 and which are today kept at the Mediatheque of Architecture and Heritage (MAP, Charenton-le-Pont).
American Suburb X
Since 2008, an Epicenter for Art & Photography. This site includes videos, galleries, interviews, essays, and a host of other contemporary media.
Scheinbaum & Russek YouTube Channel
The videos posted on this YouTube channel support the Santa Fe-based gallerists’ History of Photography series and occasional lectures and workshops. They are posted for student viewing and are not meant for further distribution or re-posting.
Scheinbaum & Russek History of Photography Newsletters
This series and online programs, which includes written text, videos, and lectures, was started in March 2020, with the onslaught of the pandemic. As of late December 2020, this Santa Fe-based gallery team has covered 31 different subjects, including how to care for your collection. See also their YouTube channel.
Exquisite Reality: Photography and the Invention of Nationhood, 1851-1900 Exhibition
Invented and refined in the 1830s and 1840s, photography was initially hailed as an apolitical medium, a pure marriage of science and art. The French critic Francis Wey celebrated its ability to represent what he called “exquisite reality” — to depict the world exactly as it was.
RIT Image Permanence Institute Webinars
The Image Permanence Institute (IPI) is a university-based research center in the College of Art and Design at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) dedicated to supporting the preservation of cultural heritage collections in libraries, archives, and museums around the world.
Photographies explores the many technologies, materials, and practices—in other words, the many “photographies”—that make up the history of photography from its origins in the late-eighteenth century to the end of the twentieth century.
Dear Dave, Magazine
Dear Dave, is a tri-annual publication of photography and writing, celebrating a community of visual thinking with affection and mirth, publishing idiosyncratic and original work that is deserving of further recognition. Dear Dave, is interested in the most unpredictable work of all genres and sensibilities, and from the familiar to the unknown.
Conscientious Photography Magazine
Conscientious Photography Magazine is a website dedicated to contemporary fine-art photography. It offers profiles of photographers, in-depth interviews, photobook reviews, and general articles about photography and related issues. Founder and editor Jörg M. Colberg began publishing Conscientious in 2002.
Thinking through Photographs
Thinking through Photographs was originally developed as an in-person exhibition by Liz Park, UB Art Galleries curator, and now takes the form of a downloadable resource binder of texts which consider photography’s complexities through eight different topics.
Trans Asia Photography
Trans Asia Photography is an international refereed open access journal based at the University of Toronto. It provides a venue for the interdisciplinary exploration of photography and Asia.
Manufacturing Photography, 1860-1900
This is a project to identify and map the manufacturers of materials and tools used by nineteenth-century photographers in the US and Europe, created by Katherine Mintie
TIPPS: Tipped-in Photographic Prints from Early Photography Manuals
The Tipped-in Photographic Prints (TIPPs) database and website is a collaborative project between the Lens Media Lab at Yale University and the Library of Congress to digitize and make searchable the hundreds of photographic samples tipped into photography journals and manuals published between 1855 and 1900.
Bard Center for Experimental Humanities
EH offers an array of practice-rich courses and workshops that emphasize the integration of history, theory, and experimentation with digital, analog, and conceptual methods of learning
George Eastman Museum Photographic Processes Video Series
The discovery of these processes have forever changed our understanding of time. For the first time in history we could see what our ancestors looked like. Take a look behind the scenes into our world class photograph collection from within our vaults.
Aperture On Sight
The Aperture On Sight curriculum is designed to teach visual literacy through working with photography and creating photobooks. It builds students’ abilities to communicate as visual storytellers, develops them as creative and critical thinkers, as well as building their capacity for academic and professional success.
These are designed for grades 6-12 but can be adapted. Monica recommends Lesson 16 on Gordon Parks