It’s election season at PN! Nominations Now-Nov 18; Voting Nov 28-Dec 9
The Photography Network (PN) Board is a collective of volunteers who work to serve PN members and the organization’s mission. We have come a long way since our formation in 2019 and we are prepared to hold our first board election for terms to begin on January 1, 2023.
Two elected (Co-Chair and Treasurer) and three appointed positions (Outreach and Membership Coordinator, Conference and Symposium Liaison, and Events Coordinator) are open. You must be a PN Member to nominate someone or self-nominate for any of these positions. Nominations are welcome from all PN constituencies, including but not limited to academics, museum professionals, practicing artists, and graduate students. Each PN Member is entitled to one vote. Please see the position descriptions from our bylaws below.
The nomination period runs from now through November 18. Even if you have already expressed interest to a PN board member, please use this Google Form to submit a 250-word bio and 250-word expression of interest.
The election period (for Co-Chair and Treasurer only) will run from November 28-December 9.
All terms begin January 1, 2023. Training will be provided. The full board meets on a quarterly basis and in sub-committees as needed. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thanks for your participation in the PN community, and in our 2022 election season.
PN Board
The following text is all adapted from the PN Bylaws (9-15-20):
Each member of the Network shall be entitled to one vote.
Elected positions:
Co-chair, who shall each serve for a term of three years. The co-chairs shall preside over all meetings, shall have general management of the affairs of the corporation, and shall perform all duties incidental to the office. The co-chairs shall appoint additional board positions, including a secretary, an outreach and recruitment coordinator, an events coordinator, a grants and development coordinator, a grad liaison, a conference and symposium liaison, a website and listerv manager, and social media coordinator. The co-chairs shall be responsible for communication between the Board of Directors and the Network members.
Treasurer, who shall serve for a term of three years. The Treasurer is responsible for the collection of membership dues and all other fiscal matters.
Appointed officers: [We’ve included only open positions below]
Outreach and Membership Coordinator, who shall serve for a term of three years. This individual will work in consultation with the elected treasurer to coordinate active membership lists. The Outreach and Membership Coordinator will also actively recruit potential new members and reach out to under-represented individuals in the field.
Conference and Symposium Liaison, who shall serve for a term of three years. This individual will work in consultation with the elected co-chairs to determine, coordinate, and administer the Network’s conference sessions at CAA, and at any other regional, national, and/or international fora, as determined by the Network members.
New position! Events Coordinator, who shall serve for a term of three years. This individual will work in consultation with the elected co-chairs to determine, coordinate, and administer the Network’s (primarily virtual) events and Speaker Series. [These programs currently run on a bimonthly basis.]
Appointed officers shall be selected by the elected officers, following a well-defined period of nomination or self-nomination.