Other Publications
2024-2025 Published Articles
Ranu Roychoudhuri, "Aesthetic of Light and Time: An Intellectual History of Pictorialism from India," South Asian Studies 40, no. 1 (2024): 25–45. https://doi.org/10.1080/02666030.2024.2338996.
Elizabeth Keto, "Negative Evidence: Timothy H. O'Sullivan's Photographs of the Sea Islands," Rutgers Art Review 40 (Fall 2024): 1-27. https://rar.rutgers.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Volume-40_Negative-Evidence.pdf.
Camille Bellet and Emily Kathryn Morgan, “Co-valence in Cow-veillance: Sensing Technologies and Human-Animal Affinities in Dairying,” Science, Technology, & Human Values (2024): 1-28. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/01622439241280177.
Matthias Johannes Schmid Pfaller, "American Arcadia? The Shift of the Homoerotic Gaze in Herbert List’s Work," History of Photography (2024): 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/03087298.2024.2393044.
Annebella Pollen, “‘Cameras and Young People Belong Together:’ Camera Comics (1944-46) as an Imaginative, Ideological and Commercial Space for Addressing and Depicting American Child Photographers,” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics (2024): 1-22. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21504857.2024.2367622.
Sarah Bassnett, “Trevor Paglen’s Border Abstractions in the Age of Machine Vision,” photographies 17, no. 1-2 (Spring 2024): 25-42. https://doi.org/10.1080/17540763.2023.2272245.
Sara Dominici, Guest editorial: Locating the Darkroom. Special issue on "The Darkroom: Chemical, Cultural, Industrial," PhotoResearcher 41 (April 2024): 4-15. http://www.eshph.org/journal/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/03/PhR_41_Editorial.pdf.
Catherine Zuromskis, "History in the First Person: The Visual Culture of the Zapruder Film," American Art 38, no. 1 (Spring 2024): 28-53.
2022-2023 Published Articles
Sara Dominici, “Photography and Early Motor Touring in Britain,” History of Photography 47, no. 3 (2023): 234-255. https://doi.org/10.1080/03087298.2024.2338610.
Annebella Pollen, “‘There is nothing less spectacular than a pestilence:’ Picturing the Pandemic in Mass Observation’s Covid-19 Collections, History of the Human Sciences 36, no. 2 (April 2023): 71-104. https://doi.org/10.1177/09526951221134002.
Annebella Pollen, “From Art History Pedagogic Resource to Post-Digital Art Medium: Shifting Cultural Values in a Dismantled Slide Library,” History of Photography (2023): 5-27. https://doi.org/10.1080/03087298.2023.2284543.
Andrés Zervigón, “Visible Yet Transparent: The Lens in Nineteen-Century Photographic Cultures,” Critical Inquiry 49, no. 4 (Summer 2023): 626-662.
Andrés Zervigón, Review of Juliet Hacking and Joanne Lukitch, eds., Photography and the Arts: Essays on Nineteenth-Century Practices and Debates, London, Bloomsbury, 2020. In 19th-Century Art Worldwide 22, no. 1 (Spring 2023). Available at http://www.19thc-artworldwide.org/spring23/zervigon-reviews-photography-and-the-arts-edited-by-hacking-and-lukitsh.
Susan Laxton, “Play.” In The Art Institute of Chicago Field Guide to Photography and Media, edited by Antawan I Byrd and Elizabeth Siegel, 286. Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago, 2023.
Alise Tifentale, “Completing an Unfinished Sentence: On the Collaboration between Sophie Thun and the Archive of Zenta Dzividzinska.” In Sophie Thun: Trails and Tributes (ex.cat.), edited by Christin Müller and Torsten Scheid, 49-55. Hildesheim: Kunstverein Hildesheim and Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2023.
Alise Tifentale, "Working the Labor-Leisure Machine: Proposal for a Photography Museum without Images." In Riga Technoculture Research Unit, edited by Elizaveta Shneyderman and Zane Onckule. Published online, February 2023: https://www.rtru.org/under-the-hood/participants/alise-tifentale.
Nadya Bair, "Collaboration." In The Art Institute of Chicago Field Guide to Photography and Media, edited by Antawan Byrd and Elizabeth Siegel, 112-117. Chicago: The Art Institute of Chicago, 2023.
Nadya Bair, “Suitcases, Stamps, and Paper: Piecing Together the Story of Black Star’s Nazi Photographs.” In Facing Black Star, edited by Thierry Gervais and Vincent Lavoie, 66-91. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2023.
Nadya Bair, “Made for Distribution: Robert Capa und John Steinbecks Reise in die UdSSR,” Fotogeschichte 168 (2023): 31-40.
Darren Newbury, "Ernest Cole’s House of Bondage, the United States Information Agency, and the cultural politics of race in the Cold War.” In Cold War Camera, edited by Erina Duganne, Andrea Noble and Thy Phu, 33-65. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2023.
Jessica Williams Stark, “From Hamburg to Cape Town: The Denizen Photography of Else and Helmuth Hausmann.” In Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices, edited by Burcu Dogramaci, Ekaterina Aygun, Mareike Hetschold, Laura Karp Lugo, Rachel Lee and Helene Roth, 601-631. Bristol: Intellect, 2023.
Kate Manlik, Jane Simon, and Nicole Matthews, "The Fabric of Resistance: Care, Domestic Objects, and HIV Self-Narratives in the Work of Kia LaBeija and Jessica Whitbread," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 48, no. 3, (2023): 683–707. https://doi.org/10.1086/723269.
Sarah Parsons, “Domesticating Jefferson Davis: Family Photography and Postwar Confederate Visual Culture,” American Art 37, no. 1 (Spring 2023), 82-105. doi: 10.1086/724509.
Susan Laxton, "Le Mot d'esprit et sa relation au composite," Transbordeur 7, 2023. Published online at https://transbordeur.ch/fr/2023/mot-esprit-relation-composite/.
Andrés Zervigón, “Visual Explosion in the Weimar Era’s Print Media.” In Material Modernity: Innovations in Art, Design and Architecture in the Weimar Republic, edited by Deborah Ascher Barnstone and Maria Makela, 115-139. London: Bloomsbury, 2022.
Camille Bellet and Emily Kathryn Morgan, “Breed(ing) Narratives: Visualizing Values in Industrial Farming.” Animal Studies Journal 11, no. 1 (2022): 200-255. Published online at https://ro.uow.edu.au/asj/vol11/iss1/10.
Donna West Brett, "Ilse Bing: Surrealism and Oneiric Paris." In Ilse Bing, edited by Juan Vicente Aliaga, 47-55. Stockport: Dewi Lewis/Madrid: Fundación MAPFRE, 2022.
Donna West Brett, "Inadequate Images: Material Violence, Redaction and Pixilation in the Stasi Archive." In Law’s Documents: Materiality, Authority, Aesthetics, edited by Katherine Biber and Trish Luker, 223-245. New York: Routledge Glass House series, 2022.
Donna West Brett, "László Moholy-Nagy: Adventures in Light, Space and Time." In Material Modernity: Innovative Visual Work in the Weimar Republic, edited by Deborah Ascher Barnstone and Maria Makela, 143-164. New York: Bloomsbury, 2022.
Melody Davis, "Minstrelsy, Blackface, and Racialised Performance in Narrative Stereoviews, 1860-1902," International Journal on Stereo & Immersive Media 6, no. 1: 70-89. https://revistas.ulusofona.pt/index.php/stereo/article/view/8088.
Sara Dominici, "Early Photographic Federations and the Pursuit of Collaborative Education," Early Popular Visual Culture 20, no. 4 (2022): 388-411. doi: 10.1080/17460654.2022.2087710.
Marie Meyerding, “'Africa's First Woman Press Photographer': Mabel Cetu's Photographs in Zonk!,” African Arts 55, no. 3 (2022). doi: https://doi.org/10.1162/afar_a_00669.
Josie R. Johnson, "Pictures for the Taking: Margaret Bourke-White’s Soviet Photographs in Magazines." The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies 13, no. 1 (2022): 1-42. Project MUSE muse.jhu.edu/article/857993.
Maria Garth, "Soviet Avant-Gardes and Socialist Realism: Women Photographers Bridging the Divide," Journal of Avant-Garde Studies 1, no. 2 (2022): 188-220. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/25896377-00102002.
Maria Garth, "Issues, Challenges, and Insights: Art Historical Research on Latvian Art and Photography at the Zimmerli Art Museum (USA)," Proceedings of the National Library of Latvia 9, no. 29 (2022): 42-57. https://dom.lndb.lv/data/obj/1055522.html.
Maria Garth, "George Kennan’s Photography Collection of Political Exiles in Labor Camps of Late Imperial Siberia," Journal of Russian American Studies 6, no. 2 (2022): 120–145. https://doi.org/10.17161/jras.v6i2.18630.
Kelly Midori McCormick, "Tokiwa Toyoko, the nude shooting session, and the gendered optics of Japanese postwar photography," Japan Forum 34, no. 3 (2022), 383-411.
Carolin Görgen & Camille Rouquet, eds. "Camera Memoria: Photographic Memory from the Margins." Miranda: Multidisciplinary Journal on the English-speaking World, No. 25 (2022).
Robert Hirsch, “Photography and the Holocaust: Then and Now”
“Jewish & Partisan Photographic Perspectives, Part 2”, In VASA Journal on Images and Culture, Vienna, April 2022, see: https://vjic.org/vjic2/?page_id=6719.
Jordan Reznick, “Dismembered Muses and Mirrors that Bite: A Trans Perspective on Gender Variance in Surrealist Visual Arts.” In The Routledge Companion to Surrealism, edited by by Kirsten Strom. London: Routledge, 2022.
Jordan Reznick, “Through the Guillotine Mirror: Claude Cahun’s Photographic Theory of Trans against the Void,” Art Journal 81, no. 3 (Fall 2022): 53-69.
Matthias Johannes Pfaller Schmid, "Between Topographical Groundwork and Neocolonial Aspirations: The ‘Best Practice’ of Survey Photography in the Chilean-Argentine Boundary Case of 1902," Photography and Culture (2022). doi: 10.1080/17514517.2022.2126160.
Matthias Johannes Pfaller Schmid. "Monuments of Dissidence: 3D Models of the Social Unrest in Chile by the Artist Collective Antes del Olvido." H-ART. Revista de historia, teoría y crítica de arte, no. 11 (2022): 185–200. https://doi.org/10.25025/hart11.2022.08.
Helen Trompeteler, “Queen Victoria and the Photographic Expression of Widowhood,” 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, edited by Michael Hatt and Joanna Marschner, 2022 (33). doi: https://doi.org/10.16995/ntn.4717.
Sarah Bassnett and Blessy Augustine, co-edited special issue of the journal Photography & Culture on Photography and 21st-Century Migration 16, no. 3 (September 2023). https://doi.org/10.1080/17514517.2024.2313910.
Sarah Bassnett, “Family, Diaspora, and the Politics of Care in Griselda San Martin’s The Wall, 2015-16,” Photography and Culture 16, no. 3 (September 2023): 219-33. https://doi.org/10.1080/17514517.2023.2292457.
Sarah Bassnett, “Rescue Politics: Richard Mosse’s Thermal Imaging and the Containment of Migration,” Oxford Art Journal 46, no. 3 (December 2023): 327-55. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxartj/kcad030.
2021-2022 Published Articles
Andrea Coffman, “Identifying the Photographer of an Early Panorama of Port Said: Francis Frith, Antonio Beato or Frank Mason Good?,” The Photo Historian: The Journal of the Royal Photographic Society’s Historical Group 191 (Winter 2021).
Anne Strachan Cross “‘The Pictures Which We Publish To-Day Are Fearful to Look Upon’: The Circulation of Images of Atrocity During the American Civil War,” History of Photography (17 Dec 2021). doi: 10.1080/03087298.2021.1993621.
Jessica Williams Stark, “A Working Woman’s Eye: Anne Fischer and the South African Photography of Weimar Women in Exile.” In Women and Photography in Africa: Creative Practices and Feminist Challenges, edited by Darren Newbury, Lorena Rizzo, and Kylie Thomas, 23-44. Abingdon: Routledge, 2021.
Kate Fogle, “A Second Life for the Snapshots of Elizabeth Howe Bliss,” History of Photography (December 2021). doi: 10.1080/03087298.2021.2010371.
Robert Hirsch, ““Nazi Photographic Perspectives,” VASA Journal on Images and Culture at: http://vjic.org/vjic2/?page_id=6180.
Nicole Hudgins, “No Girls Allowed? Gender in Victorian Photographic Societies, c.1850-1890,” Revue d’histoire culturelle, no. 3 (2021). Available online at https://revues.mshparisnord.fr/rhc/index.php?id=693.
Christine Hult-Lewis, "From Ashes to a Family," in What They Saw: Historical Photobooks by Women, 1843-1999 (NY: 10x10 Photobooks, 2021).
Susan Laxton, “Psicofotografía: Grete Stern and the Administration of the Unconscious,” October 172 (Spring 2020): 35-67. https://doi.org/10.1162/octo_a_00392.
Christina Michelon, “Views of Chicago: Picturing the Ruins of the Great Fire,” Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art 7, no. 2 (Fall 2021). https://doi.org/10.24926/24716839.12401.
Katherine Mintie, “Picturing to Protect: Photography and Environmental Law in the United States, 1960-Present.” In Devour the Land: War and American Landscape Photograph, 1970-Present, edited by Makeda Best (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Art Museums, 2021).
Anja Schürmann. “Et Cetera Photobooks? Reflections on Conceptual Documentary Photography as Visual Enumeration.” In Forms of List-Making: Epistemic, Literary, and Visual Enumeration, edited by Barton R.A., Böckling J., Link S., and Rüggemeier A. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-76970-3_13.
Zsuszanna Szegedy-Maszak, “The Recently Discovered Notebook of Miklós Barabás. A Case Study of How Photographers in Eastern Europe Acquired Information on the Wet‐Collodion Process,” in Don’t Press Print: De/Re-constructing the Collodion Process: Proceedings of a conference held online on 1-2 October 2020. Royal Photographic Society, 2021.
Lorenzo Triburgo and Sarah Van Dyck, Venus (2019) and roundtable participant: Critical Questions and Embodied Reflections: Trans Visual Culture Today—A Roundtable, Art Journal 80, no. 4 (Winter 2022): 38-52. doi: 10.1080/00043249.2021.1947702.
Andrés Zervigón, “Visual Explosion in the Weimar Era’s Print Media.” In Material Modernity: Innovations in Art, Design and Architecture in the Weimar Republic, edited by Deborah Ascher Barnstone and Maria Makela, 115-139. London: Bloomsbury, 2022.
Andrés Zervigón, “The Timeless Imprint of Erna Lendvai-Dircksen’s Face of the German Race.” In Photography in the Third Reich: Art, Physiognomy and Propaganda, edited by Christopher Webster, 97-128. Cambridge (UK): Open Book Publishers, 2021.
Andrés Zervigón, “Photography, Truth, and the Radicalized Public Sphere in Weimar Germany.” In Photography and Its Publics, edited by Melissa Miles and Edward Welch, 41-61. London: Bloomsbury, January 2020.
Andrés Zervigón, “L’image prolétarienne entre agitation politique et sobriété réaliste. L’Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung et le mouvement photographique ouvrier allemand,” in special issue devoted to worker photography, Andrés Zervigón, ed., Transbordeur Nr. 4 (2020): 38-49.