Welcome to Photography Network!
A group that fosters discussion, research, and new approaches to the study and practice of photography in its relation to art, culture, society, and history.

News & Events
Please join us for a book talk with Dr. Kimberly Juanita Brown. In this talk, Brown will discuss her new book Mortevivum, winner of the 2024 Photography Network book prize. Since photography's invention, black life has been presented as fraught, short, agonizingly filled with violence, and indifferent to intervention: living death—mortevivum—in a series of still frames that refuse a complex humanity.
In this presentation, Dr Beatriz Pichel and Dr Katherine Rawling will talk about their project “The Ethics of Medical Photography: Past, Present and Future”, a multidisciplinary network supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK. We will introduce the main questions and aims of the network and reflect on early results and challenges we are starting to see after the organisation of the first network activities.
Please join us on December 6 to hear two presentations that utilize interdisciplinary methodologies, combining art historical inquiry with conservation-based data analysis. Bryanna Knotts and Cynthia Yue’s presentation "Spheres of Influence: Material Affinities in the Photographs of Lola Álvarez Bravo, Tina Modotti, and Edward Weston" examines photographs that engaged with Mexico’s communities and contributed to its reimagination of national identity and belonging.
Please join us for a Photography Network with Dr. Alise Tifantale talk that examines photography’s community-building potential in a divided world. In July 1963, Taiwan-based photographer Chin-San Long (Lang Jingshan, 1892–1995) opened his solo exhibition in São Paulo, Brazil, organized by the city’s most well-known photo club Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante
After the overwhelming success of our previous Photography Network Meet & Greet event, we are thrilled to announce another one because of popular demand.
Become a Member
Becoming a member supports the mission of Photography Network and gives you access to syllabi, grants, online resources, and funding for research and making.
Member Activities
Our members are active researchers, who publish and exhibit work frequently, in many forms. Stay up to date with their activities and celebrate their accomplishments!
Teaching Resources
We’re sharing online teaching resources with our community in the midst of COVID-19. See the “Online Resources” & “Recordings” tabs to check out what your colleagues have shared.
This listserv is a space for dialog on current concerns in our field, as well as for information about events and opportunities.